Happy 8 week Birthday to the pups today!
With the help of Animal Humane New Mexico, Sweet Pea had a successful spaying surgery this past Monday, Feb 21st and they will also be handling the spay and neutering of the pups this upcoming week. Since we didn't win the lottery we're unable to build that HUGE forever home for all 11 but fortunately some very suitable potential adopters have come forth to offer to give loving, committed and caring forever homes to some of these pups and I'm sure they'll be some strong competition for the rest of them! Even though they are some of the most social and well adjusted pups you may ever come across, they'll all need at least basic training and will be most suitable to those forever homes who will give them everything they need and then some to help them grow into the best little pitty mixes they can be.
There are foster families (include our own) that have incurred expenses beyond their typical monthly expenses for the benefit of this momma and her 10 pups. We've decided to gather up those receipts and hold a combination Foster Fundraiser (to help reimburse them for these expenses) and Animal Foster Care Needed Supplies Donation Drive and Drop Off so that we can help Animal Humane New Mexico gather some of the needed supplies on their current foster care supply list. We've set a date of Saturday, March 26th to host the event. More information will be forthcoming. (For those foster families who have not been in touch with us about your receipts, please click here to contact us.)